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BP NPP 125

BP NPP 125

Regular price R 450.00 ZAR
Regular price Sale price R 450.00 ZAR
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1x 10ml multi dose vial.

NPP (Nandroloneis often injected twice per week, deep into the muscle tissue. The initial spike and half-life is much shorter than deca and can bring on gains in mass and strength much quicker. Most users report an increase in strength around the week 3 – 4 as opposed to week 4 – 6 with deca.

This anabolic steroid has a shorter ester and it’s known as NPP for short. It’s never achieved the same popularity as Decanoate, which has a much longer decanoate ester.

With a half-life of around 3 days, it is a short duration release ester, excellent for cycles 6 weeks and longer.

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