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HD Labs Duraject 100 (NPP)

HD Labs Duraject 100 (NPP)

Regular price R 400.00 ZAR
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Each unit contains 1x 10ml multi dosage vial

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) is an anabolic steroid that is very similar to the popular Nandrolone Decanoate compound. However, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate was the first Nandrolone compound ever commercially sold. Nandrolone Phenylpropionate hit the shelves in the 1950’s and was brought to the market by Organon under the name Durabolin. Soon after Organon would release its Decanoate cousin under the name Deca Durabolin.

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is a small ester base anabolic steroid and is commonly referred to as NPP. This product has never been as popular as the larger ester Decanoate version, in part due to availability; however, in the modern era it has begun to see a resurgence in both use and availability thanks in part due to underground labs.

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate carries with it numerous therapeutic and performance benefits. The Nandrolone hormone is the most commonly prescribed anabolic steroid other than testosterone, but the Decanoate version is the most commonly prescribed Nandrolone form. It is one of the most well tolerated steroids in both performance and medical settings, although possible side effects most certainly exist.

The positive functional traits of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate include:

  • Increased IGF-1 Production:
    Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) is a potent anabolic hormone that is also essential to our body’s ability to recovery. This is a hormone that affects nearly all cells within the human body.
  • Inhibition of Glucocorticoids:
    Known as stress hormones (cortisol) these hormones are essential to our health and wellbeing. However, glucocorticoids can also promote muscle loss and fat gain when they become dominant. Vigorous activity can lead to increases in stress hormones. Hormones like Nandrolone can reduce the production of stress hormones.
  • Increased Nitrogen Retention:
    All muscle tissue is comprised of 16% nitrogen. If retention falls we fall into a catabolic state. The more we retain the more anabolic we remain.
  • Increased Protein Synthesis:
    This refers to the rate in which cells build proteins, the building blocks of muscle tissue.
  • Increased Red Blood Cell Count:
    Red blood cells carry oxygen to and through the blood. Greater efficiency results in enhanced muscular endurance and recovery.
  • Increased Collagen Synthesis & Bone Mineral Content:
    This refers to the strength of bones and cartilage and the ability to strengthen and provide healing relief. This will hold true in joints more so than anywhere else.

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